Water Collection

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Rainwater Tanks are used to collect water from rain that can be piped out using Buildcraft Waterproof Pipes or by filling Water Cans in the provided slots. You can also use a Rainmaker to cause a rain shower by using Iodine Capsules.

Rainwater Tank

Forestry's Rainwater Tank can be used to collect rain and bottle it into Water Cans using Empty Cans or Water Cells using Empty Cells. When all necessary resources for production are available, the Rainwater Tank will give off a Redstone signal. Nearby engines will start automatically that way.

The Rain Maker

The Rainmaker uses Iodine Capsules to cause rain showers. Iodine Capsules can be used by right clicking on the Rainmaker or can be piped in using buildcraft pipes. It does not require power to operate.

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