Rainwater Tank

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Rainwater Tank

Forestry's Rainwater Tank can be used to collect rain and bottle it into Water Cans using Empty Cans or Water Cells using Empty Cells. When all necessary resources for production are available, the Rainwater Tank will give off a Redstone signal. Nearby engines will start automaticall that way. (Redstone signal is disabled in SMP!)

This machine will not collect water in snow and desert biomes. (Well, from onward at least.)

The Tank GUI

Whenever it starts raining, the Rainwater Tank will collect water in this tank. The tank can hold 30 buckets of water. However, even a tank of this size cannot contain all the water from an average rainstorm. It's best to start pumping out water at once.

  • II. Can Slot:

When powered and if there is enough water in the resource tank, the rainwater tank will take Empty Cans from this slot and fill them to create Water Cans.

  • III. Product Slot:

Manufactured Water Cans will be deposited in this slot.


Pipes (BuildCraft)

  • Input:
    • Water (any side)
  • Powered Output:

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