Mushroom Farms

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Forestry Mushroom Farms and Mushroom Pickers make fully automated Mushroom Farms easy. Mushroom Farms require Mycelium and a light level below 11 to produce Giant Mushrooms. These farms require a very large, dark area to function properly as well as a steady supply of Mycelium produced by a Moistener.

Mushroom Farm

Mushroom Farm work similarly to Arboretum but requires Mycelium and Red or Brown Mushrooms to operate and produces Giant Red or Brown Mushrooms depending on which was provided to the Mushroom Farm as well as Dirt as waste. Dirt is automatically ejected into connected Buildcraft Pipes or adjacent chests. The room that the Mushroom Farm is in must be 19x19x5 (X-Y-Z) for all Mushrooms to be able to grow to full height. The Mushroom Farm itself clears an area of 13x13x10 (X-Y-Z) with a 7x7 area in the middle that is not cleared and the Mushroom Farm in the center.

It needs to be powered by a BuildCraft compatible engine.



  • 1x Arboretum
  • 2x Brown Mushroom
  • 2x Red Mushroom
  • 4x Glass

Produces: 1x Mushroom Farm

Pipes (BuildCraft)

  • Input
    • Mycelium (any side)
    • Red Mushrooms (any side)
    • Brown Mushrooms (any side)
  • Output
    • Dirt (any side)

Mushroom Picker

The Mushroom Picker will harvest any giant mushrooms within range of 21x21x10 (X-Y-Z). Harvested red or brown mushrooms are automatically ejected into connected buildcraft pipes or adjacent chests.

It needs to be powered by a BuildCraft compatible engine.



  • 1x Logger
  • 2x Brown Mushroom
  • 2x Red Mushroom
  • 4x Glass

Produces: 1x Mushroom Picker

Pipes (BuildCraft)

  • Output
    • Brown Mushrooms (any side)
    • Red Mushrooms (any side)

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