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The Logger does what it's name implies. Its area of operations is 21x10x21 (X-Y-Z), with the base of any tree harvested being no higher than 10 but will harvest to the top of the tree. As a side operation, the Logger does also pick up any saplings, wood blocks and apples that drop in its area. Harvested materials are auto ejected into connected Buildcraft Pipes or placed into adjacent chests. If using Pipes, Saplings and Apples are only ejected into a pipe on top or bottom of the Logger, wooden blocks will be ejected into a pipe on any side face.

It needs to be powered by a BuildCraft compatible engine. Preferably producing 1 MJ/t or above for the logger to work at an acceptable rate

It is crafted by:


Diamond 4x

Glass 4x

Sturdy Machine 1x

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