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Moisteners are used to produce Mycelium from Wheat, Seeds and Water for use in Mushroom Farms. They can also be used to create Mossy Cobblestone and Mossy Stone Bricks.

Wheat is cycled through a "working slot" during production and slowly degrades:

Wheat > Mouldy Wheat > Decaying Wheat > Mulch

Whereby each further degradation stage up to Mulch (which is useless in the Moistener and will have to be removed/pumped out) yields better results in Mycelium] production.

Important Note: The use of the Moistener requires a damp and dark environment. The Moistener will for that reason only work if the light level is at 11 or less. In addition production will speed up with deepening darkness. In very dark environments the process will be four times faster than at light level 11.

In order for Mulch to be produced there must be an item that you are creating. (ie. one of the valid items in slot V.)

Does not need to be powered by an engine.

Note: the Moistener requires Wheat Seeds for Mycelium production.

The Moistener GUI

Displays the current amount of Water stored.

  • II. Resource Stash:

Pipes and Tubes will interact with these slots. Whenever the reservoir runs out of useable resources, up to two new stacks of resources are rotated into it from this stash.

  • III. Reservoir:

Current reservoir of Wheat, Mouldy Wheat, Decaying Wheat and Mulch. The working slot will take the most pristine resource from this storage to produce Mycelium. After use the resource is again deposited back into the reservoir until the next cycle can begin.

  • IV. Working Slot:

Item in this slot is currently used to produce Mycelium.

  • V. Selector Slot:

Used to select what will be made. Seeds make Mycelium, Cobblestone makes Mossy Cobblestone, and Stone Bricks makes Mossy Stone Bricks. This must have one of these things in it for it to run.

  • VI. Product and Input Slot:

Finished Mycelium blocks are deposited here. Can also be used to manually transfer water into the resource tank by putting Water Cans in here.




Produces: 1x Moistener

Pipes (BuildCraft)

  • Input:
    • Seeds/Cobblestone or Bricks (top and bottom)
    • Wheat (sides)
    • Mouldy Wheat (sides)
    • Decaying Wheat (sides)
    • Water (any side)
  • Powered Output:
    • Mycelium/Mossy Cobblestone/Mossy Bricks (any side)
    • Mulch (any side)

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