This automatic cake making farm is one of my favourite mechanisms I've created to date. I have entitled this machine; TheCakeMachine. This farming based factory is designed to firstly make the necessary ingredients for cake. Which include; three milk buckets, three wheat, two sugar and one chicken egg. This machine if wired correctly can be the producer of large quantities of EMC with the usage of a Energy Condenser to accept the Cake.
An easy system for milking cows is to put a cow in a small fenced area, and using a deployer with a bucket inside. although you will need several buckets, it is less time consuming than milking by hand.
Use Wheat to make a cow follow you into the 'cage'. Once the cow is in place (you may need to push a little, etc) make the Pneumatic Tubes one higher and then connect them at the center.
After this, remove the solid block from beside the Pneumatic Tubes (see left).
Place a timer in the place you have made. Set it to 4 seconds. This will allow you to produce 1 bucket of milk per second. The timing setting is optional, you can set it to any time you wish.
Placing at the front of the machine will allow you to easily to modify the time without mining the blocks around it; thus saving time.
Seeds and Bone Meal (to stock deployers, and put in diamond transport pipes)* Covering blocks (e.g stone)
You will need a flat 5 x 11 area for the majority of this project.
Start by creating a trench 6 blocks long on the edge of the longest side of the area. Fill this up with water and cover with glass (if you wish to see the wheat being made) or a solid block (if you don't wish to be able to watch).
Now make a one block high frame that's 5x11 using the glass section as the front side of the wall.
From here till the dirt using a hoe on the blocks adjacent to the glass (inside of building).
Standing on the tilled dirt, facing away from the glass place a deployer facing all the 6 tilled dirt. Behind these place a row of redstone (only behind the deployers however). Fill these deployers with one stack of wheat
To the left of the redstone line place a sticky piston facing in the same direction as the deployers with a solid block on the second spot in front of it and to the left of the piston and empty space. This should leave one space for water and one for the piston arm. Place water in the one space not adjacent to the piston.
Digging underneath the deployers now, make a 2 high path directly under
pipe below. This should be set on 2 to the other Distribution Transport Pipe and 1 to the above pipe. This should be continued increasing in number of the further side and always 1 going up. This will ensure correct distribution of incoming seeds and Bone Meal.
To the right of the tilled dirt, dig one down. Place a Diamond Transport Pipe here and an Obsidian Transport Pipe above this
Now go back to the redstone wiring, behind the piston should be three redstone straight backwards and to the left of the second one should be a sequencer set on 4 seconds, and connect this redstone to two sides of the sequencer, making two 8 second loops, which will be a wet and dry type cycle.
Behind the deployers have one redstone coming off any of the redstone spaces and connect it to a timer also set on 4 seconds. Make sure that the deployer loop and piston loop do not connect in any way.
Now this farm should be fully operational and should be covered up properly.
Note that leaving a way to access the Obsidian Transport Pipe is necessary, this is because until such time that you have a skeleton spawner system in your CakeMaker it is necessary to supply the deployers with Bone Meal ever so often. Just drop them on top of the Obsidian Transport Pipe and the system will sort them into deployers. Remember that dropping 1 stack of Bone Meal will result in it going only to the first deployer, so dropping 6 equal stacks of Bone Meal is advisable. Dropping them individually using 'Q' also works.
Start by marking out an 11x11 area with one layer of solid blocks as shown to the left.
Leave a one block gap on the left and right of the inside and then make two rows of solid blocks from the front to the back; leaving one block at the back free. This should leave a single row empty on the left and right, as well as three in the centre, with a blank row at the back.
Place Block Breakers on the inside raised rows facing towards the centre of the building leaving the last block empty.
Behind these place a row of redstone and a timer directly behind the front Block Breaker. Do this on either side. For now, just set the timers high while setting up the factory is being completed. Note that the Block Breaker touching the timer mustn't be facing the timer input, otherwise one Block Breaker may not work.
In the row on the side of the redstone place one bucket of water at the very back of the farm, leaving it to flow to the front. This may seem too short; but it is not.
Next dig out the centre row one deep (excluding the back row).
Fill these up with water. Flowing or smooth; doesn't matter which one.
Either side of this place Sugar Cane. Ideally this is a completed farm and
Now make a tubing of stone or Cobblestone Transport Pipe that goes to the front of the factor; underneath the center water row is best.
This should lead to the front of the design and to an easily accessable item Item Teleport Pipe or chest (preferrably a Crystal Chest for most storage to save overflow).
There you have it; just change your timers to around 20 seconds or so and you have a beautiful sugar cane farm.
Dig out an L shape near the side you wish to be the front.
At the front of the 'L' place a Timer. Set this to excess of 10 seconds. It won't matter too much if this has a long timer time as the eggs will just sit in place.
Now add an Insulated Wire connected to it, and then another on that same block going against the face of the next block. Go along the wall of the
The easiest way is a spawn chicken egg, but this is often not applicable as most play in survival.
The easiest way in survival to get these is to firstly make an easy capture pen. This is using fences in a 1 deep pen. This allows chickens to easily be taken into the pen by getting them to follow you with wheat.
Another easy way is to dulpicate eggs that the chicken lay and throw them with rightclick at a wall.A chicken will spawn every 8 eggs.
This machine if operating at peak efficiency (Estimated at 1 cake per second) it will create approximately 1,500,000 EMC per hour of operation. This is 3600 Cakes per hour or 1 per second.
For this method, place beside your Cake output chest a row of 3 solid blocks. On top of the second one place a filter with the small dot side facing away from the pipes.
Simply replace the output chest with an Energy Condenser and add a large EMC Valued item into it.
Author Notes
I hope readers and editors alike respect the effort I have gone to inwhich to write this entire page; with accompanying photos and videos (when I get time to make those). Apologies that some pictures and wording are not aligned; in my defense, the editor hates me.