
Type Block
Tool wpick
Stackable Yes (64)
Data Value 763:0
Mod Included RedPower 2

The Deployer use items in much the same way a player does.

A Deployer has nine slots in its inventory (You can feed it with tubes).

File:2013-01-19 17.22.22.png

Upon receiving a redstone pulse, it examines its contents in order(left-to-right, top-to-bottom), and when it finds a non-empty slot, it emulates a player's right click action when holding this item. It can place blocks, fill buckets, till dirt, make fire, shear and do almost everything else that a player can do; except for breaking blocks, which is what a Block Breaker does.

Use cases

It is possible to use the Deployer, a Transposer, some Pneumatic Tubes, a Timer, and some kind of storage block to make an automated Wool farm.

File:Wool Farm.png
An automated wool farm



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