Oil Fabricator

Oil Fabricator
File:Oil Fabricator.png
Name Oil Fabricator
Type ?
Physics No
Transparency No
Luminance No
Blast Resistance ?
Tool Any
Stackable Yes (64)
Data Value dec:190:3
Mod Included ?

File:2012-06-09 00.27.22.png
One full MFE, containing 600,000 EU, will produce 12 buckets of Oil.

The Oil Fabricator is used to generate Oil which can be pumped into Tanks, Refineries, or Combustion Engines. Each bucket of oil produced requires 49,600 EU. If you refine this Oil into Fuel, it will generate much more energy than its input requirements. An Oil Fabricator will convert 250 EU/t to Oil and will work rather fast on that Energy level, much faster than a Refinery.


Oil can also be used as an energy source. A Combustion Engine running on Fuel connected to an Engine Generator will give you enough Oil (~10 Buckets) to power the Engine itself and a fully running Refinery.

It does not require a Wooden Waterproof Pipe to output oil, though the pipe must be attached to the side of the oil fabricator for it to work. Alternatively it will pump Oil directly into Tank if the tanks are placed on top of or placed adjacent to the oil fabricator (no pipes or engines needed).


While the Oil Fabricator will use up 250 EU/t if you let it, you will often need MUCH less than this to keep up with your engines. The table below shows the EU/t needed to keep up with combustion engines. Based on the table this means that a single Oil Fabricator can handle up to 217 Combustion Engines all running fuel.

Fueled By

Bucket per hour used

Bucket per tick

EU/t for Oil Fab
Oil 6.54 buckets 0.0000908333~ buckets 4.505333~ EU/t
Fuel 1.26 buckets 0.0000175 buckets 0.868 EU/t

Raw Materials

EMC value Quantity Component name
16 *2 Tank
964 *1 TNT
9204 *4 Advanced Alloy
36,470 1 Mass Fabricator
42,004 1 Diamond Gear
88,658 equal to 10.38 Diamonds


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