Jacketed Bluewire

Jacketed Bluewire
Name Jacketed Bluewire
Type Block
Stackable Yes (4)
Data Value 751
Mod Included RedPower 2

Not to be confused with Jacketed Wire, which is crafted in the same method (except with a Red Alloy Ingot in place of a Blue Alloy Ingot) but serves the function of carrying Redstone current instead of Blutricity.

Also not to be confused with Blue Alloy Wire, which serves the same function but requires a block to attach onto.

Jacketed Bluewire is an item added by the RedPower 2 mod. Jacketed Bluewire allows for Blutricity generated by a Solar Panel or a Thermopile to be carried to Blulectric machines or to a Battery Box. Jacketed Bluewire is a stand-alone block and does not require a block to attach itself to, unlike Blue Alloy Wire which does. Jacketed Bluewire and Blue Alloy Wire can be used in conjunction and can attach to one another, but only Blue Alloy Wire can connect to the sides of Solar Panels as they are too short to have Jacketed Bluewire connecting from the sides.

Jacketed Bluewire and Blue Alloy Wire are both crafted using Blue Alloy Ingots created in an Alloy Furnace or a Blulectric Alloy Furnace. Both can also be covered with RedPower's Micro Blocks.


Although a specific type of cover is shown here, any type of cover can be used. The Jacketed Bluewire's jacket pattern will also change accordingly.


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