Red Alloy Ingot

Red Alloy Ingot
File:Red Alloy Ingot.png
Name Red Alloy Ingot
Type Item
Stackable Yes (64)
Data Value 5257
Mod Included RedPower 2

The Red Alloy Ingot is an item added by the RedPower 2 mod. It is created by combining 4 Redstone dust and either an Iron Ingot or a Copper Ingot in either an Alloy Furnace or a Blulectric Alloy Furnace. The Red Alloy Ingot is used in the creation of Red Alloy Wire and in the creation of Jacketed Wire. It is also used in the creation of some of RedPower's circuitry, integrated circuits, etc.




Red Alloy Ingot



Red Alloy Ingot

Notable Uses

Red Alloy Ingot

Red Alloy Ingot

Red Alloy Ingot

Red Alloy Wire

A generic cover and a generic jacketed wire image is shown here; any type of cover microblock can be used, and the pattern upon the jacketed wire will change accordingly.


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