Blue Alloy Wire

Blue Alloy Wire
File:Block Blue Alloy Wire.png
Name Blue Alloy Wire
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Data Value 751:1280
Mod Included RedPower 2

Not to be confused with Red Alloy Wire, which is crafted in the same manner (except with Red Alloy Ingots in place of Blue Alloy Ingots) but serves the function of carrying Redstone current instead of Blutricity.

Also not to be confused with Jacketed Bluewire, which serves the same function but is a standalone block and does not require a block to attach to as Blue Alloy Wire does.

Blue Alloy Wire is a block added by the RedPower 2 mod. Blue Alloy Wire allows for Blutricity generated by a Solar Panel or a Thermopile to be carried to Blulectric machines or to a Battery Box. Blue Alloy wire requires a block to attach to, whereas Jacketed Bluewire is a stand-alone block and requires no other block to attach to. Blue Alloy Wire and Jacketed Bluewire can be used in conjunction and can attach to one another, but only Blue Alloy Wire can connect to the sides of Solar Panels as they are too short to have Jacketed Bluewire connecting from the sides.

As with the Cables added by IndustrialCraft 2, Blue Alloy Wire has a limit on packet size at approximately 107.4 volts. However, this presents no real problem as generators that generate Blutricity auto-adjust their packet size towards this upper limit of 107.4 volts. Blue Alloy Wire can handle a theoretically infinite amount of packets of this size, as can Cables. Blue Alloy Wire is also lossy, having a resistance of  0.02 ohms per block. Over long distances, this can result in large power losses, especially if high amperes are flowing the wire. To minimize this losses it's recommended to use more wires instead of only one.

The amount of power can be measured with a Voltmeter, where the Volts are the packet size, the Amperes are the packet quantity, and the Watts are the total amount of energy flowing down the line.

Blue Alloy Wire and Jacketed Bluewire are both crafted using Blue Alloy Ingots created in an Alloy Furnace or a Blulectric Alloy Furnace. Both can also be covered with RedPower's Micro Blocks.



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