Glowstone Dust

Glowstone Dust
Name Glowstone Dust
Type Vanilla
Stackable Yes (64)
Data Value 348
EMC Value 384

Glowstone Dust is obtained by destroying Glowstone Blocks, which are only found naturally in the Nether. It can be mined with anything, though it is mined quickest by a sword (however using a sword will deduct two uses from it). Glowstone Dust can also be obtained by putting a Glowstone Block into a Macerator, which will yield 4 Glowstone Dust. This is a better way to obtain Glowstone Dust as opposed to simply breaking a Glowstone block, as breaking a Glowstone Block does not guarantee the return of four Glowstone Dust.


Glowstone Dust can be crafted (see recipe above) with Gold Dust and Redstone, but only if it is enabled in the ic2.cfg file (it is a disabled recipe by default).

Alternate Methods of Obtaining Glowstone Dust

  • Breaking a Glowstone Block will yield 2-4 Glowstone Dust. Since Glowstone only naturally occurs in the Nether this is how you can break down and reconstruct your first peice of Glowstone. Because all 4 Glowstone Dust are not always dropped, this is not the optimal option.
  • Subsequent attempts to gather Glowstone or Glowstone Dust are made easier with the use of a Transmutation Tablet once you've "learned" the items initially; or with an Alchemical Tome to skip the Nether entirely.



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