Copper Ore

Copper Ore
File:Grid Copper Ore.png
Name Copper Ore
Type Ore
Tool spick
Stackable Yes (64)

File:Copper Ore ig.png

Copper Ore is a common Ore found in multiple mods. All types can be smelted into Copper or turned into two Copper Dust using a Macerator, Pulverizer or a Rock Crusher. In the Pulverizer, it has a 5% chance of yielding a pile of Pulverized Gold. In an Industrial Grinder, in addition to 2 Copper Dusts, 1 tiny pile of Nickel Dust and 1 tiny pile of Gold Dust is produced per ore using just water and an extra pile of copper dust in addition to all that is yielded when using a Sodium Persulfate Cell.

If using the Template:IC2 ore generation it is found on layers 10 to 70 in veins from 1 to 16 blocks. To mine the ore, a Stone Pickaxe or better is required. The Direwolf20 Pack and Ultimate Pack use the Thermal Expansion ore generation, which makes ore generation configurable. By default it is configured to generate copper ore at levels 40 to 75 at cluster size of around 7.

Copper Ore is the source of Copper, which is used for crafting things such as Copper Cable and Bronze. Copper is therefore essential in making IndustrialCraft 2 Machines. IC2 Copper can be used interchangebly with Forestry's and RedPower 2's Copper.





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