Copper Cable

File:Copper Cables.png
Uninsulated and Insulated Cable

Copper Cables are Tier 1, the most common cable tier. They are only capable of handling Low Voltage (up to 32 EU/t), however, they suffer the third smallest distance-related energy losses out of all the conventional cables, not including Glass Fibre Cables and low voltage tin cable. When you insulate the copper cables, it suffers even less. Unlike HV cable, they can be only insulated once. They are also used in the creation of Electronic Circuits, a very common building block in machines.

They are worth 66.5 EMC of resources each (399 EMC for one stack) in the Equivalent Exchange mod.

Their data value is 30184 for Insulated Copper Cable and 30184:1 for Uninsulated Copper Cable.


Cable type EU/b Energy loss
Copper Uninsulated ~0.3 1 EU per 3 blocks
Copper Insulated 0.2 1 EU per 5 blocks

Considered a low voltage cable, capable of carrying 32 EU/t.

1 Uninsulated Copper Cable=42.5EMC

1 Insulated Copper Cable=66.5EMC

Uninsulated Copper Cable




Copper Cable

Copper Cable


Insulated Copper Cable is the most common cable used to craft other advanced machinery and devices, most commonly the Electronic Circuit and the RE-Battery.

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