Apiarist's Pipe

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Every ambitious beekeeper will want to have his apiaries filled with queens around the clock - and if the queen has died, a new one has to be bred in a hurry. But how to get the right drones to the right princesses? Sifting through the output that the apiary farm is producing takes precious time away from sipping mead and cracking wild beehives for new queens. Not to worry, the Apiarist's pipe is here to help. Use this little genome analyzer to keep your bees in check and your beekeeping operation running.

Pipe GUI




Closed: Nothing will be accepted into this direction. Ideal if you only want to input from this side.


Anything: Any item, bee or not, regardless of any genome pattern will be accepted into this direction. Patterns set for this direction will be ignored.


Item: Any item that is not a bee will be accepted into this direction. Genome patterns set for this direction will be ignored.


Any Bee: Any bee will be accepted into this direction. If one or more genome patterns are set for this direction, a bee must match at least one of the patterns to be accepted.


Drone/Princess/Queen: The type of bee that will be restricted by the chosen type. If one or more genome patterns are set for this direction, a bee must match at least one of the patterns to be accepted.

If an item passing into the pipe statisfies the rules for one or more directions, they are handled in the following order:
•If a bee statisfies the conditions of a direction including a set genome pattern, it will choose that direction above other directions which only match bee type or item type.
•If a bee statisfies the conditions of a direction with a set bee type (drone, princess or queen), it will choose that direction above other directions which only match item type.
•If there are directions set to "Anything" and "Bee" any bee will choose at random between them, provided it does not match a direction with one of the preceding conditions. Likewise for items in regard to "Anything" and "Item".



Will match any drone, princess or queen having MEADOWS as secondary species.
Rejected (Examples): Princess (MEADOWS/FOREST), Drone (MEADOWS/NOBLE), Queen (MEADOWS/IMPERIAL)

Will match only drones having COMMON as primary and FOREST as secondary species OR having FOREST as primary species.
Rejected (Examples): Queen (Any), Princess (Any), Drone (COMMON/MEADOWS), Drone (MEADOWS/MEADOWS), Drone (COMMON/UNWEARY)

Will match only princesses having CULTIVATED as primary and NOBLE as secondary species OR having NOBLE as primary species.
Accepted (Examples): Princess (CULTIVATED/NOBLE), Princess (NOBLE/COMMON), Princess (NOBLE/FOREST), Princess (NOBLE/DILIGENT)
Rejected (Examples): Drone (Any), Queen (Any), Princess (CULTIVATED/MEADOWS), Princess (IMPERIAL/IMPERIAL)




•1 x Diamond Pipe
•2 x Propolis

Produces: 1 x Apiarist's Pipe

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