Diamond Pipe

File:Diamond pipe with pipes.png
A Diamond Pipe (center) surrounded by 4 stone pipes.

The Diamond Pipe sorts the items that pass through it into colored outputs, configurable by its right-click accessible GUI. They can be connected with up to 6 Pipes, each with a different color. While expensive to craft, they can be worthwhile for players who depend heavily on Quarries or have other heavy duty sorting requirements.

Up to 9 different items can be selected per output, with 5 outputs available (one color is reserved for input). If an item has no match, it will be routed out of a color that has no filter, or if all colors are used the item will be rejected and dropped on the ground.

The Diamond Pipe cannot be Waterproofed.

Rarely, Diamond Pipes experience a client side glitch, causing items to appear leaving the Diamond Pipe in random directions without being sorted, like a normal Stone Pipe would act. The items continue on the Client side until they reach a Chest or similar container. However, opening the chest reveals that all items are sorted correctly after all. The glitch appears on all clients until the server is restarted and does no harm at all.

File:Diamond pipe interface.png
The Diamond Pipe interface when right clicked.

In the GUI, multiples of the same item can be placed in a single row to affect relative probabilities. For example, if 2 Cobblestone is placed in yellow, and 1 Cobblestone is placed in green, 2/3 of the Cobblestone will go to the yellow output, and 1/3 will go to the green output.



  • There is a bug in which the Diamond Pipe does not recognize Copper Ore, and either spits it out of the pipe onto the ground, or pushes it through the wrong color exit. There is a simple fix - using Copper Ore 249 (IndustrialCraft's Copper) instead of Copper Ore 140:5 (RedPower's Copper) corrects this.

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