Wheat Farms

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Forestry makes wheat farming simple. The Farm clears an area for your wheat farm then places farmland, water, and plants seeds. Combines can collect the seeds and wheat and be piped into an adjacent chest or buildcraft pipe. Additionally you can add a Forester to speed up the process of growing wheat by using a Catalyst.


The Farm

A Wheat Farm will maintain an area of farmland 15x15x10 (X-Z-Y) with a 7x7 hollow center centered on the Farm. It requires Dirt and Seeds for operation. Initial Dirt requirement is 129. However, after the initial setup, this drops to zero, as long as the farmland is undisturbed. Fencing the Farm to keep animals out is recommended. The farm will automatically plant Wheat on any farmland in it's area and replace any disturbed farmland.

File:2012-05-11 16.32.24.png
This underground Farm automatically cleared the ceiling when it was placed.

When building a Wheat Farm covered or underground keep in mind that the farm will clear the whole 15x15x10 (X-Z-Y) space (except for the 7x7 hollow center). As you can see in the picture this underground farm automatically cleared this hole in the ceiling before it started planting. However after a Farm has been placed and has cleared the whole space it will not perform this check again. Therefore you can rebuild the roof or the cover once the farm has started planting.

Destroying and replacing the Farm will recheck the space and will destroy the ceiling again.

The Combine

The Combine will harvest any mature wheat with in range of 21x21x10 (X-Z-Y) as well as any seeds that may drop. Wheat is automatically ejected into Buildcraft Pipes connected to the sides and seeds are automatically ejected into Buildcraft Pipes connected to the top or bottom. Items can alternatively be automatically placed into adjacent chests.

The Forester

Supply Catalyst and watch your farm grow before your very eyes. All without that pesky right clicking. Works on an area of 21x2x21 (X-Y-Z). The Forester can currently use Catalyst on the following saplings and crops: Tree saplings, Rubber Tree Saplings, and Wheat.

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