Tutorial/Easy Passworded Door

This will be a very fast and simple tutorial of how to make a passworded door. Make sure to have some understanding in lua before adding the security line

os.pullEvent = os.pullEventRaw

at the top of your program. Let's get going.

-- Easy Passworded Door
-- Written by Brainless243
-- Posted to The Tekkit Wiki on 24/10/2012

term.setCursorPos(1, 1) -- Those commands will just clear the screen

print("Simple Password Door v. 1.0")
write("Enter password: ")
input = read() -- This is the input the user makes

password = "Tekkit" -- This is the correct password, and can be anything.

if input == password then -- If the input is equal to the password then...
print("Password was correct!")
rs.setOutput("left", true)
rs.setOutput("left", false)
else -- If input isnt equal to password then...
print("Password was incorrect")

And there we have it.

If you want the password to be hidden while typing, change

input = read()


input = read("*")


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