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Biogas Engines are too ecofriendly for you ? You won't touch such devilish hippie machinery ? No worries, the Still is here to help you ! Convert environment-friendly Liquid Biomass into gruby, mucky but good old-fashioned combustible Fuel at the drop of a hat ! Put that pesky Biomass into one Tank, plug the still into an energy source and wait for nice oily Biofuel to end up in the other tank. You can use it to power your CO2 emitting combustion engine from BuildCraft to your heart's content!

It needs to be powered by a BuildCraft compatible engine.

Still GUI

Biomass is taken from this tank to distill it down to Biofuel.

  • II. Product Tank:

Produced Biofuel is filled into this tank. Production will stop if space in this tank is not sufficient to take in the resulting biofuel.

  • III. Input/Output Slot:

Allows for the manual transfer of liquids into and out of the still using Empty Cans. Adding filled Biomass Cans will consume them to replenish the resource tank. If the can slot has Empty Cans, the still will depost Biofuel Cans into this slot as long as there is space.

  • IV. Can Slot:

Depositing empty cans here allows the still to fill produced Biofuel into Biofuel Can which are then deposited into the input/output slot.



  • 4x Redstone
  • 4x Glass

Produces: 1x Still

Pipes (BuildCraft)

  • Input:
    • Biomass (any side)
  • Powered Output:
    • Biofuel (any side)

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