Machine Parts

Machine Parts
Name Machine Parts
Type Item
Stackable Yes (64)
Data Value 21259:22
Mod Included GregTech

The item Machine Parts is part of the GregTech mod. It is primarily used in the creation of different Machine Hulls.


MindCrack and Ultimate

Template:Grid/AssemblingMachine Template:Grid/AssemblingMachine

Tech World


There is also a 0.44% chance of getting a Single Machine part from a Scrap Box.


MindCrack and Ultimate

Template:Grid/AssemblingMachine Template:Grid/AssemblingMachine Template:Grid/AssemblingMachine Template:Grid/AssemblingMachine Template:Grid/AssemblingMachine Template:Grid/AssemblingMachine

Tech World

Bronze Machine Hull

Aluminium Machine Hull

Brass Machine Hull

Steel Machine Hull

Titanium Machine Hull


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