MV Transformer

File:MV Transformer ig.png
The MV Transformer.

The Medium Voltage (MV) Transformer is used to turn High Voltage (HV) EU current into Medium Voltage (MV) and back. This is useful for powering advanced machines and for medium-range energy transport.

(HV is 129-512 EU/t)

(MV is 33-128 EU/t)

(LV is 1-32 EU/t)

For the transformer to work, the HV current must be wired into the High Voltage face (the 3-dotted one), while MV current can be wired into any other face. By default, the Transformer outputs MV current. However you can reverse the flow of the current by applying redstone current, thereby emitting HV current from the High Voltage face (the 3-dotted one)


Before Tekkit 3.1.1, Insulated Copper Cables are needed to make an MV transformer, instead of 2x Insulated Gold Cables, since IC2 was v1.95 or less.


When using any Transformer, remember that the 3-dotted side means higher voltage and the 1-dotted sides mean lower voltage. You can change the direction the 3-dotted side is facing by right-clicking a 1-dotted face with a Wrench

Converting to MV:

In order to convert from HV to MV, you must point the cable carrying HV from a HV Transformer or MFS Unit to the 3-dotted side and then link a cable that can carry MV to one of the sides with a single dot. Then that cable will be carrying MV that you can link to advanced machines, store in an MFE Unit or convert to LV with an LV Transformer.

Converting to HV:

In order to convert from MV to HV, point the cable carrying MV from an MFE Unit or an LV Transformer to one of the one-dotted sides and then link a cable that can carry HV to the 3-dotted side. Do not forget to apply redstone to the MV Transformer.


HV Transformer

Tesla Coil

Transformer Upgrade

MV Solar Array


Input 128 or 512
Output 128 or 512
Storage -

Video Tutorial


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