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Humus is the most basic resource for Tree Farms. Growing lots of trees in a small space requires a mineral and nutrient rich soil and not some dirt you picked up along the way. And growing lots of trees in small space will deplete any mineral and nutrient rich soil in quite a hurry. So be prepared to fertilize lots and lots of Dirt and ship it to your tree farms. You can produce this quality soil (called Humus) by fertilizing plain old Dirt.

There are two types of fertilizer you can use: The biological variant Compost and the mineral variant Fertilizer. They both can fertilize the same amount of Dirt (eight for every Compost or Fertilizer) after being created. Alternately you can create Humus using a Carpenter with mulch instead of Fertilizer and get 9 Humus, though this does require some use of water as well.

Crafting Recipe

Carpenter Recipe



Produces: 9 x Humus

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