(Note: There appears to be a bug in that the bottom face of an Energy Link cannot be used as an output, though this didn't used to be the case, breaking this design. Tested on Tekkit 3.1.2 and the pyramid functioned normally in Single Player, this bug is related to Multiplayer only) Generates ~48 EU/t, uses only common materials, and will completely fill a Batbox in around 40 seconds once it's running. Fits in a 7x7x3 area and can be easily sunk undergroud to provide a constant and unobtrustive source of zero-maintenance EU, very useful early-game. Similar in construction to the Hydro Flower above, but not reliant on solar energy, or conductive piping and uses Ultra-Low-Current cables in place of Glass Fibre.
Second picture shows the construction with the top layer removed, exposing the internal workings. 5x5x1pool of water with a pump (Buildcraft) in the middle, 2 x Golden Waterproof Pipes attached to each face with an Energy Link on top. Water Strainers are then attached to every exposed section of Pipe and cabled together using Ultra-Low-Current cables to output the power to (in this example) a Batbox for storage. Once running, the four Water Strainers immediately adjacent to the Energy Link provide the pump power.
Important Note: This design will NOT function immediately on construction. It will only become self-sufficient once the Water Strainers are already producing power, so you will need to kick-start it by supplying the Energy Link with a tiny amount of temporary EU once the lower layer is built and the four Water Strainers placed next to the Energy Link. A Generator and a piece of Charcoal or a few seconds from a single Solar Panel is more than enough.
Once the lights on the Water Strainers turn green, you can remove your Generator/Solar Panel and the Pyramid is good to go.