Triple Panel

Triple Panels are Micro Blocks with a thickness equal to 6/8ths that of a normal block. They can be crafting by placing Covers,Panels, Triple Covers, Slabs, and Cover Slabs of the same material into the crafting grid in such a way that their combined thickness is equal to that of a Triple Panel (6/8ths of a full block).


Triple Panels can be crafted using a large number of different combinations of other Micro Blocks. Any combination of the Micro Blocks below will work, provided they add up to 6/8, and all materials used are made of the same material. Making Hollow Triple Panels works the same way, simply substitute Hollow Covers, Panels, etc.

  • Cover - 1/8
  • Panel - 2/8
  • Triple Cover - 3/8
  • Slab - 4/8
  • Cover Slab - 5/8


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