Sorting Machine

Sorting Machine
File:Block Sorting Machine.png
Name Sorting Machine
Type Block
Tool wpick
Stackable Yes (64)
Data Value 763:5
Mod Included RedPower 2

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The Sorting Machine from RedPower 2 allows for the automatic sorting of items though Pneumatic Tubes by checking items it receives against its internal list of items, which are color-coded by row. It then colors the item and sends it on its way, where it will prefer to flow into tubes that have been painted the same color. Sorting Machines are powered by Blutricity.


Sorting Modes

The Sorting Machine has 7 modes:


Anystack Sequential: The slider moves from column to column and waits until it receives any single item in that column before moving to the next.


Allstack Sequential: The sliders moves from column to column and waits until it receives all the items in that column before moving to the next.


Random Allstack: Same as the previous mode, but without the moving slider.


Any Item: Will pull any of the items starting with those in the top left of the connected inventory.


Any Item With Default Route: Same as the previous mode, except a default colour can be set for unmatched items below the mode settings.


Any Item Whole Stack: Will pull any of the items starting with those in the top left of the connected inventory. For each item as much as a full stack will be pulled.


Any Item Whole Stack With Default Route: Same as the previous mode, except a default colour can be set for unmatched items below the mode settings.

For when the sorting machine has an adjacent chest or other inventory it has 3 pull modes:


Single Step: One pulse of redstone initiates a single step. The single step depends on which mode it's in.


Automatic: Same as the previous mode, but the machine pulses itself on a regular basis.


Single Sweep: For use when a mode with a slider is selected. Every redstone pulse is remembered and for each one full cycle of the slider is completed.

See Also



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