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Name Regulator
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Data Value 763:10
Mod Included RedPower 2

The three 3x3 spaces are from left to right: the input filter, the internal buffer and the output filter.

The input filter determines what items it will accept. Accepted items are stored in the internal buffer.

It outputs blocks/items differently depending on whether its output side faces a block with an inventory or is connected to a tube.

If its output face is connected to a tube then it outputs the contents of the internal buffer when it matches the input filter.

If its output side faces a block with an inventory then it compares the output filter with the inventory. If the inventory contains everything in the output filter then the regulator shuts down and gives out a redstone signal (which also makes it function as an inventory sensor).

If the inventory does not contain everything in the output filter then it behaves in one of two ways depending on the mode. It has two modes:

  • synchronous output (default) will only eject items on the output side if the internal buffer matches output requirements exactly,
  • asynchronous output (mode 2) will match each kind of item individually and not wait for the ratio to match.



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