RS Latch

RS Latch
Name RS Latch
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Data Value 761:256
Mod Included RedPower 2

The RS Latch is one of numerous blocks added by RedPower 2 that turns large Redstone wiring gates and latches into mechanisms that perform the same function but fit inside a 1-block space. The RS Latch has two input/output sides which function as both inputs and outputs depending on the latch's state. The side which functions as the output constantly outputs a Redstone signal. The side which functions as the input will become the output side if it receives a Redstone pulse. Likewise, the side which was previously the output will then become the new input side. One potential use for this is to "bounce" a Redstone pulse off of the input face, turning it into an output face and turning the pulse into a continuous signal.




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