Personal Safe

Personal Safe
File:Personal Safe.png
Name Personal Safe
Type Chest
Blast Resistance 18,000,000
Tool File:Grid Wrench (IndustrialCraft).png
Stackable Yes (64)
Data Value dec:225
Mod Included Industrial Craft 2

The Personal Safe is a secure alternative to all other types of Chests. Personal Safes can only be broken or accessed by the safe owner or an operator (OP). They have twice the space of a single wooden chest, which is 54 slots. This is the same as an Iron Chest.

When a Personal Safe is first placed, it is un-owned until a player accesses it. The first player to access the safe is recorded as the safe's owner.

To destroy a Personal Safe, you must first empty it and right-click with a Wrench or Electric Wrench.

A key feature of the Personal Safe is that it can only be destroyed by its owner or an operator. The safe is also resistant to any explosion, including that of a Nuke. It is not advised to use this to nuke proof your house, as the blast penetrates through it, damaging all that it normally would. The personal safe is a key component on public servers, as it provides the most secure way to store items without the fear of them getting lost without the need for an anti-griefing plugin.



  • Pipes can be used to pump items out of it, making it possible to steal from (Patched).
  • Block Breakers can break the safe and destroy the items inside in the process. (Patched)
  • Mining Turtles can destroy it. (Patched)
  • Quarries can destroy it. (Patched)

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