
Name Magnetizer
Type IC Machines
Tool File:Grid Wrench (IndustrialCraft).png
Stackable Yes (64)
Data Value 250:9
Mod Included Industrial Craft 2

The Magnetizer can be used to turnIron Fences stacked onto one another into a powerful alternative to a normal ladder. Upon powering the Magnetizer, it idles without consuming any EU. However, when a Magnetized Iron Fence is approached by a player who has equipped metal shoes (Iron, Gold, Bronze, Nano or Quantum), the Magnetizer begins consuming 2 EU/t, while propelling the player vertically upwards at a great speed. (To activate, simply walk against it).

Iron Fences can be attached both to the bottom and to the top of the Magnetizer. A single Magnetizer can power 20 Fences above it and 20 Fences below it. When fences are attached to both sides of the Magnetizer, they do not affect each other, i.e. a single Magnetizer can serve as a 41 block high elevator (Magnetizer in the middle, 20 Fences up, 20 Fences down).

Protip: A Water Mill supplies the required amount of power, with the advantage of not using any energy while no-one approaches the magnetizer. An infinite spring nearby and a bucket left in the Mill (placed directly beside the magnetizer) can thus power the magnetizer for many cycles before needing to be recharged, making it an efficient solution to power a magnetizer without requiring many cables.

It is coloured greyish-white and looks similar to a machine block.


Input 2 EU/t
Output -
Storage 100 + (15 times connectedIron Fences)

Maximum Input: 32 EU/t before exploding.

Video Tutorial


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