MV Solar Array

File:MV Solar Array.png
MV Solar Array

The Medium Voltage (MV) Solar Array is an IC Machine used to generate EU from the sun. It is the equivalent of 64 Solar Panels, or 8 LV Solar Arrays.

One MV Solar Array produces 64 EU/t, which is 1,280 EU per second, or 835,200 EU per day. It is a medium voltage device.

Raw Materials

Each MV solar array has an EMC Value of 327,243 or 39.95 diamonds! (Assuming you are using an extractor to get the rubber)


Raw Materials Needed


Redstone Dust
10*64+8 Refined Iron
0*64+4 File:Grid 2xIns. Gold Cable.png 2xIns. Gold Cable
6*64+63 Copper
0*64+32 File:Grid Wooden Planks.png Wooden Planks
3*64+0 Glass
4*64+0 Tin
3*64+0 File:Grid Coal Dust.png Coal Dust
13*64+14 Rubber
8*64+0 Cobblestone



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