Iron Nugget

Iron Nugget
Name Iron Nugget
Type Item
Stackable Yes, 64 (same for all)
Mod Included RedPower 2

Thaumcraft 3

Iron Nuggets are items added by various mods. They are made by putting an Iron Ingot in a crafting table, producing 9 nuggets each time. Putting 9 Nuggets in a crafting table will give you 1 Iron Ingot.

In the MindCrack Pack, there are three different types, one from RedPower 2, one from Thaumcraft 3, and one from IC2 (or one of it's expansion packs. More info needed.). You can switch between the types using a Forge Lexicon. If you convert the nuggets you have into the Thaumcraft 3 version, you can also use them with a Crucible, giving you 1 aspect of metallum each. This makes this version more valuable, and it also increases the total metallum from the ingot's 8 metallum to 9 nuggets with a total of 9 metallum.



Note: You may also put these nuggets into either a compressor or an alloy furnace to get the same result. Crafting is more efficient, though, since it uses no fuel/energy.

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