Iron Jack Hammer

Iron Jack Hammer
Type Tool
Stackable No
Data Value 21295:1
Mod Included GregTech

The Iron Jack Hammer is an electric tool which is used to cut through stone like materiels at a fast rate, but not as fast as most of the higher tier tools like Diamond Drills. It also does not on ores.

Though unbreakable, the Iron Jack Hammer uses stored EU with every use. It consumes 50 EU per block and can store up to 10,000 EU, allowing it destroy 200 blocks before it needs to recharge.



This tool may be charged using a Generator of any kind or MFE/MFSU/BatBox. Alternatively, it can receive power from a BatPack.It can also be recharged by right-clicking while holding a battery (hold right-click until it fully charges)


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