Hyperkinetic Lens

File:Hyperkinetic Lens.png

The Hyperkinetic Lens is a tool that launches a sphere of energy which explodes on impact. Any blocks caught in the explosion are collected into a Loot Ball and deposited at the area of the explosion. The size of the explosion depends on the charge of the Hyperkinetic Lens.

Charge Level 0 - Radius: 1, very small, 1 glowstone dust.

Charge Level 1 - Radius: 1.66, still small, 2 glowstone dust.

Charge Level 2 - Radius: 2.33, average, 4 glowstone dust.

Charge Level 3 - Radius: 3, rather large, 6 glowstone dust.

The lens does fairly potent damage to mobs AND players, including the player using it. Be mindful when using it at close range.

6 x 8,192 (Diamond) + 2 x 139,264 (Dark Matter) + 1506 (Nova Catalyst) = 329,186 EMC each.

It has been set to be removed, along with Destruction Catalyst and Catalytic Lens in Equivelant Exchange 3.



Catalytic Lens


Video Tutorial

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