Fusion Material Injector

Fusion Material Injector
Name Fusion Material Injector
Type Machine
Physics No
Transparency No
Luminance No
Tool ic2wrench
Stackable Yes (64)
Data Value 702:82
Mod Included GregTech

The Fusion Material Injector is a machine added by GregTech as part of the overhaul of the Fusion Reactor system introduced in GregTech Version 2.82c. The Fusion Energy Injector is an integral block of the Fusion Reactor Multiblock Structure and additionally serves as one of the most useful machines in the Fusion System. It forms the input gateway for items & liquids; as the Material Injector sends materials into the coils, the Fusion Material Extractor serves as its opposite output gateway, sending out Helium Plasma or matter, depending on the recipe.


The Fusion Material Injector accepts liquids as an input directly from waterproof Pipes, Liquiducts, or Liquid Tesseracts.

It is also possible to place cells inside the Injector, which the Injector will fill itself with, returning the empties to you. If the empties stack reaches 64, the Injector will no longer fill itself with liquid from cells thus stopping its ability to provide fuel to the Fusion Reactor. When automating this with cells, it would be necessary to remove the empties.

Don't Cross the Beams

Every Fusion Reactor Multiblock requires at least 2 sets of 2 Fusion Material Injectors placed in specific positions parallel to each other at different heights. Both Injectors at the same height must be filled with the same type of liquid/cells, and the ones located parallel to them at the other height must be filled with the other part of the fusion reaction recipe.

Some people claim that it is also possible to use only 1 set of material injectors (one at the top and one at the bottom) and 1 material extractor. This can save you a lot of materials at the beginning. Although this information needs to be confirmed.

To further illustrate, check out the Fusion Material Injectors (red squares) on this simple design schematic:

Constructing the Fusion Reactor Mark 2.
Constructing the Fusion Reactor Mark 2.

If, hypothetically, one was using Gaseous Deuterium and Gaseous Tritium as fuels on this reactor, that person would want to attach pipes supplying only Deuterium to both Material Injectors at layer 1. Then on Layer 3, you would want to connect both Injectors to pipes that only supply Tritium. You could reverse the order and put Deuterium on 3 and the Tritium on 1, but under no circumstances should you have both Deuterium and Tritium located at the same heights.

The reason for doing this is because only one Fusion Material Injector located at the same height will activate at a time, generally draining itself before switching to another one at the same height. It does this as a sort of buffer. As there is never a way for two Material Injectors at the same height to be in operation at the same time, the different ingredients must always be located at different heights to ensure proper operation.



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