Ender Pearl Dust (Portal Gun Mod)

Ender Pearl Dust
Name Ender Pearl Dust
Type Item
Stackable Yes (64)
Data Value 13466
Mod Included Portal Gun


Ender Pearl Dust is an item used in the construction of a Portal Gun. It has no use other than in making a Miniature Black Hole.


[[Image:{{{Ouput-image}}}|32px|link=Ender Pearl Dust (Portal Gun Mod)|alt=Ender Pearl Dust]]

Any type of furnace can be used to smelt an Ender Pearl into Ender Pearl Dust.



  • It takes slightly more than one Ender Pearl's worth of dust to craft an Ender Pearl.
  • Although Ender Pearl Dust shares a name with an item from the GregTech mod, the two items are not interchangeable in any way and behave completely differently.


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