Do hair loss transplants really work?

Yes. The transplanted tresses are removed from one region with the body (donor site) and used in another (recipient site). The transferred tissue will not be "rejected" since it is not foreign tissue. The transplanted hair maintains it's own characteristics; color, texture, rate of growth, and curl, after transplantation and regrowth. The vitality with the grafted follicle is maintained because of the rich circulation on the scalp. Originally, large circular grafts containing 15-20 hairs were transplanted causing noticeable and unnatural results. Over years, instruments and techniques are already developed that allow us to quickly attain truly natural results by transplanting small grafts very close together. We've discovered that hair grows from your scalp in multiple one, two, and three strands of. We transfer bring in more business of follicles after eliminating the extra surrounding dimply skin. This will give the grafts for being placed closer together causing a denser plus more natural result.

Are transplants painful? Well everyone seems to be amazed at how little pain there is through the procedure. Some discomfort isn't surprising for the reason that anesthetic is injected to the scalp. When the skin is anesthetized, there is no pain. In the event the numbing medicine wears off over the course of the treatment, more is injected to re-anesthetize the area.

Detailed info on hair restoration arizona can be found on the main website.

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