
Name Compressor
Physics No
Transparency No
Tool File:Grid Wrench (IndustrialCraft).png
Stackable Yes (64)
Mod Included Industrial Craft 2

Compressors are used to compress various resources, such as compressing Mixed Metal Ingots into Advanced Alloys and compressing Uranium into Refined Uranium.

Compressors may be powered by a direct Cable connection, a Single-Use Battery, or a RE Battery in the lower slot. Remember that to retrieve any machine, you must use a Wrench or an Electric Wrench.

As of v1.337 a Pump (IC2) with an infinite water source under it and a Compressor placed directly next to it will pump and compress water into snowballs without the need for cells.

When using BuildCrafts or Redpowers Pipes or Pneumatic Tubes respectively, the top is the input and the rest of the block is output.


Raw Materials Needed
9 Refined Iron
3 Copper
2 Redstone Dust
6 Rubber
6 File:Grid Stone.png Stone


Input 32
Output -
Storage 625


Advanced Alloy 

Carbon Plate 

Refined Uranium 





Singularity Compressor

Video Tutorials

Known Bugs

Removing the Compressor with an uncharged Electric Wrench while compressing something will destroy the items.

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