
Name Compartment
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Data Value 702:74
Mod Included GregTech

The Compartment is one of the various blocks used for decorative item storage in the GregTech mod. It appears to be able to accept any type of block or item that it is given, but will only accept items when it is empty. Thus, a maximum of 64 items can be stored at any given time within a Compartment. Attempting to store more items in the Compartment while there are items already present in the desk will result in nothing happening. The Compartment can only store one type of item or block at a given time. Items are inserted by right-clicking on the Desk with items in hand and removed by right-clicking on the desk with an empty hand, which will cause the Desk to spit out any and all items in its inventory.




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