Canvas Bag

Canvas Bag
File:Canvas Bag.png
Name Canvas Bag
Type Container
Stackable No
Data Value 5258
Mod Included RedPower 2

The Canvas Bag is a container made out of Canvas, which has 27 item slots. This is the same amount of slots available in the standard inventory. It can be dyed with any dye to give it a specific color. Canvas bags cannot be placed inside each other.

Known Bugs

  • The Canvas Bag can be placed inside of itself and when the GUI is closed it will delete itself and its contents.
  • Duplication Glitch: When an item is placed in the canvas bag, when you press LShift + the number your canvas bag is in on your hot bar (canvas bag is in slot 1, press and hold LShift and 1) the item will be duplicated.



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