Alternative Lifestyle Greeting Cards "Poetic Expressions" by S.W.A.P.O.S. Publications5790705

The Poetic Expressions “It Does Get Better” Alternative Lifestyle line This particular greeting card line could be one of our most controversial, but as far as we are concerned it is simply a part of our commitment to true diversity. The birth of this card line was contemplated to the highest degree. The founder of the company knew how sensitive this subject is in our world today however in the mission statement to his consumers he made a commitment and promise he intended to keep. The commitment was to create a product designed for all people from all walks of life and never to alienate one group of people based on the opinion of another. In his extensive research, no matter what he found out the only conclusion he could muster again and again was that in his company, every single consumer was important. He founded a greeting card company and not a company the judges or discriminates in any capacity. He was aware of the opinions that could follow but was prepared to face it. His biggest ally in his decision to launch this line was his own conscience, how could he profess his notion of equality and not face the fact that every person feels, no matter their sexual orientation. In a country of profound freedoms he would never allow his freedom of expression to be stifled, especially on a positive note considering the many other negative forms of expression that the world simply tolerates. The stance he took was based on the premise that factually each person lives only once and they should be given the right to live how he or she wants as long as they are not hurting other people. This particular subject falls directly into the path of that notion, so in the end the Poetic Expressions greeting card line entitled “It Does Get Better” an Alternative Lifestyle line would go forward. Of course more research was required because in order to begin to create a product for a particular demographic or group of people, one would have to know of its successes, failures, achievements and struggles. Which is why the card line was titled “It Does Get Better” this is a catch phrase often used, due to some of the tragic occurrences many have suffered because they live a different way of life. Poetic Expressions has one goal and that is to make sure our product touches every beating heart in a positive way. Anniversary

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