Tutorial/Code Protected Terminate Program

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This tutorial will show you how to create a program that can be called to terminate the existing program.

Reason To Use

As you may very well know, terminating using CTRL+T is an easy way to stop startup programs and for hackers to get into the rest of the programs on the computer. One way to stop that is to use the os.pullEvent = os.pullEventRaw in your code, but this could be a problem if you need to run the program for a test, and need to do maintenance on it! Here is a simple solution to your problem.


Here is the code. If you are on a single player world, you can just put this into any existing program by going to /.minecraft/saves/[worldname]/computer/[programname] and editing it with notepad or notepad++. If you are doing this on a server, and you have access to the server's files, make a program, and go to /[serverdirectory]/[worldname]/computer/[computernumber]/[programname] and copy the code over it. Else, this will need to be typed directly into the console. Now onto the code.

 local event, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5 = os.pullEventRaw( _sFilter )
 if event == "terminate" then
   print( "Terminated" )
 return event, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5

That code should be put into a program named something like terminate, which I will use in my example.

Here is how you could lock the program:

 Code = "password" --Set this to whatever you want the password to be
 write("Console: ") --This is non-essential, just for looks.
 local input = read()

 if input == "terminate" then --terminate can be changed to whatever you want
   write("Password: ")
   local input2 = read("*") --In case someone is looking, disguises password with *
   if input2 == Code then
     shell.run("terminate") --Change this to the name of the terminate program
     print("Wrong Password, Please Try Again") --Just aesthetics
     shell.run("startup") --Change this to the program this is being applied to

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