Wireless Modem

File:2012-04-17 17.49.43.png
Wireless mining turtle(left) and a computer with an activated modem on the side(right).

The Modem is used to allow your Computers to communicate over rednet.You place this on a computer by holding sneak and right clicking the computer. The range of a modem is 64 blocks, but during a thunderstorm, is limited to only 17.



In order to place a modem, right click any side of the computer while holding it in your hand, and holding your set sneak button.

The important Lua codes to control a modem can be seen by typing the following command into the console or turtle:

help rednet

The LUA codes are as follows:

For specifying side of networking




For sending messages


rednet.send( receiverID, message) -- Send to a specific computer

rednet.broadcast( message ) -- Send to all computers

For receiving messages

rednet.receive( timeout ) -- Returns: senderID, message

[Note: You can also handle the "rednet_message" event to receive messages without calling receive(), the arguments are the same as the receive() return values.]

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