
Name Transposer
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Data Value 150:2
Mod Included RedPower 2

The Transposer is a machine in the RedPower 2 mod which allows for items on the ground to be sucked up and sent through Pneumatic Tubes or Redstone Tubes and which draws items one by one from a Chest, machine or other inventory and sends them into Pneumatic or Redstone Tubes when given a redstone pulse. It is useful if an inexpensive method of item transfer automation is necessary, but for a more versatile machine, one can utilize the Filter, which can draw full stacks of items, assign colors to items (for usage with painted tubes painted with a Paint Brush; items with a specific color will move towards tubes of that color) and sort items by only allowing certain items to pass through. However, the Filter has a slightly smaller range with which it can pick up items as compared to the Transposer.

Both the Transposer and the Filter have a small invisible internal inventory for storing items that either cannot be accepted by the output Tube, cannot be transferred to an output Tube or cannot be transferred to a machine or other inventory from the output Tube.


See Also

Video Tutorial


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