Nikolite Ore

Nikolite Ore
Name Nikolite Ore
Type Block
Tool ipick
Stackable Yes (64)
Data Value 213:7
Mod Included RedPower 2

Nikolite Ore is an ore block added by RedPower 2 that can be mined for Nikolite. Nikolite Ore is found in veins of about the same size as other materials such as Iron, Redstone, etc. and with about the same degree of rarity as well. Mining it with an Iron Pickaxe or greater yields 3-5 Nikolite. With GregTech installed, the ore block itself can be processed with various machinery producing much higher yields as well as possible diamond by-products.

Nikolite Ore does not appear in NEI.


Note: These recipes require GregTech. Template:Grid/IndustrialGrinder



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