Blue-Doped Wafer

Blue-Doped Wafer
Name Blue-Doped Wafer
Type Item
Stackable Yes (64)
Data Value 5257:5
Mod Included RedPower 2

The Blue-Doped Wafer is an item added by the RedPower 2 mod. The Blue-Doped Wafer is used in the recipes for the two power generators which currently exist within the mod, the Solar Panel and the Thermopile. The Blue-Doped Wafer is also used to create the Light Sensor, a block which, if a sufficient amount of light falls upon it from the sky (either sunlight or moonlight) will emit a redstone signal. This is due to the Blue-Doped Wafer's naturally photosensitive properties, a property which makes it the operative component in RedPower Solar Panels.




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