Automatic Wiremill

Automatic Wiremill
Name Automatic Wiremill
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Data Value 702:55
Mod Included GregTech


The Automatic Wiremill is a block added by GregTech that is used to create Cable of all varieties except for Glass Fibre Cable and Superconductor Wire with greater efficiency than simply placing the ingots in a line in one's crafting grid. The Wiremill works at the cost of EU, requiring either 1 or 2 EU/t to operate depending on the ingot. Thus, a mere two Solar Panels or two Water Mills (operating on internal water supply and not external water blocks) can provide the Automatic Wiremill with constant power.

Like the other "automatic" GregTech machines, it cannot receive power via its front face.

Comparison of Cable Creation

Ingot Type EU/t Time Taken EU Consumed Cables per Ingot Cables per Ingot (crafting) Efficiency Increase
Gold Ingot 1 EU/t 10 seconds 200 EU 6 Gold Cable 4 Gold Cable 50%
Copper Ingot 2 EU/t 5 seconds 200 EU 3 Copper Cable 2 Copper Cable 50%
Refined Iron 2 EU/t 10 seconds 400 EU 6 HV Cable 4 HV Cable 50%
Tin Ingot 1 EU/t 7.5 seconds 150 EU 4 Tin Cable 3 Tin Cable 33%


In the above recipe, a Machine Frame, an Aluminium Machine Hull, a Bronze Machine Hull or a Sturdy Casing can be substituted for the Machine Block. Likewise, the Electronic Circuits can be replaced with all varieties of Tier 1 Chip.


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