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Minecraft Joules (MJ) are the energy units of all BuildCraft Engines and Machines. This is a list for reference about the MJ production and consumption of the different Engines and Machines.


Engines Max Energy (MJ) Energy Generated Max Input (MJ) Max Output (MJ) Piston Speed/Ticks to Extract
Blue Green Yellow Red
File:Grid Redstone Engine.png Redstone 1000 1 MJ/s 50 1 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.08
102 52 26 14
Steam 10000 1 MJ/t 200 100 0.02 0.04 0.08 0.16
52 26 14 8
File:Grid Combustion Engine.png Combustion 100000 1,2, or 5 MJ/t (lava, oil, and fuel respectively) 2000 500 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07
26 24 18 16

Conductive Pipes

Conductive Pipes Max Input (MJ) Max Energy Stored (MJ) Latency (ticks) Power Loss (per pipe) (MJ)
Wooden 1000 1000 50 0.01
Stone 1000 from each connected pipe N/A N/A 0.01
Cobblestone 1000 from each connected pipe N/A N/A 0.01
Gold 1000 from each connected pipe N/A N/A 0.001

Data for pipe capacity is currently incomplete.


Machine Internal Energy Storage (MJ) Min Input (MJ/t) Max Input (MJ/t) Min Activation Energy (MJ) Min Time between Actions Energy per Action (MJ)
File:Grid Pump (BC).png Pump 100 1 1 10 20 10
File:Grid Builder.png Builder 25 2.5 2.5 25 10 25
File:Grid Filler.png Filler 100 2.5 10 25 10 25
File:Grid Mining Well.png Mining Well 1000 2.5 2.5 25 50 25
File:Grid Oil Refinery.png Refinery 1000 2.5 2.5 25 1 10
Quarry (Build Phase) 7000 2.5 2.5 25 20 25
Quarry (Dig Phase) 7000 3 20 50 1 2-9


The filler has a 40% chance of not placing a block but still using the energy it would have.


The quarry's mechanical arm moves at a speed dependent on how much energy it is able to draw from the internal storage. The exact formula for calculating movement speed is 0.015 + Energy Per Action / 200, meaning it will move at a minimum of 0.015 meters per tick, to a max of 0.015 + 9/200 = 0.06 meters per tick. In comparison, this is approximately the same speed as sneaking.

While digging, the quarry tries to perform an action every tick, which is why the energy per action is lower than other machines.

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