Diamond Drill

Diamond Drill
Name Diamond Drill
Type Tool
Stackable No
Data Value 30235
Mod Included IC2

The Diamond Drill is the unbreakable equivalent of a Diamond Pickaxe. It also acts as a Diamond Shovel.

Albeit unbreakable, the Diamond Drill uses stored EU with every use. In most situations, it is a wise decision to make a Diamond Drill with the first 3 Diamonds you recieve, because it is unbreakable and only requires a way to generate EU.

The Diamond Drill can be made by combining 3 Diamonds with a Mining Drill, and upgraded by using three Overclocker Upgrades and two Advanced Circuits to create an Advanced Diamond Drill .


Gregtech recipe:



This tool may be charged using a Generator of any kind or MFE/MFSU/BatBox. Alternatively, it can receive power from a BatPack or a Lappack. It can also be recharged by right-clicking while holding a battery (hold right-click until it fully charges)


  • Without a BatPack, it can mine 120 ground blocks before needing to be charged.
  • The diamond drill can mine obsidian and Reinforced Stone, just like a Diamond Pickaxe
  • This item cannot be enchanted traditionally, however can be enchanted using books. 


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