Lose Weight The Healthy Way With African Mango and Green Coffee327515

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Anyone that has tried losing weight knows how difficult it can be. Often times, the pounds roll off for the first month and then, they seem to stick right where they are no matter what you do. Enter two proven weight reduction supplements that are made from organic ingredients.

These two extracts - African Mango or IGOB131® Extract and Green Coffee Bean Extract - have been repeatedly tested by professional pharmaceutical companies and by medical researchers. In their double-blind studies using human subjects, a perfect green coffee bean source was used. Since no studies have been done, researchers state that the extracts may not be safe for pregnant women due to the way the active ingredients work. Both extracts are proven safe for most people and have been shown to successfully aid in weight loss.

African Mango Extract is made from the seeds of the mango bush. These seeds are documented as containing 18 different amino acids that are utilized by the body for healthy skin, hair and boosting the metabolism. In addition, the seed contains calcium, iron, potassium and other major nutrients which can help lowers blood sugar.

Researchers tested African Mango Extract, made from the seed. In multiple double-blind studies, patients taking the extract experienced significantly improved weight loss, appetite control and a boost in their metabolism. Results of the studies consistently show that African Mango extract is safe for most people and very successful when taken twice a day 30 minutes before a meal.

The most successful method of using African Mango Extract is as a supplement for weight loss programs. It is suggested that the extract be taken continuously during the fitness program of choice. When it is, the extract appears to increase the pounds lost and to kick-start the body when it the loss seems to stall.

Green Coffee Bean Extract when created for medical use is made from superior quality unroasted coffee beans. Chemists verify that the bean contains chlorogenic acid - a recognized antioxidant that has the additional reputation for slowing glucose absorption after meals which can help prevent and alleviate high blood pressure. Doctors have used the perfect green coffee bean extract for treating weight loss and appetite control for the last five years. Medical specialists recommend taking this medication twice a day with meals since the caffeine may cause stomach irritation if taken on an empty stomach. The most useful method of using the extract is as a supplement to other weight control plans.

Both African Mango Extract and Green Coffee Bean Extract have been used by doctors in the U.S. and in Europe for a variety of purposes including assisting obese patients with weight reduction and diabetes prevention.

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