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Latest revision as of 02:25, 21 April 2013

I am Timothy R. Srobenhorst. I have taken a very large interest in the community and nation with the economic collapse and decided I was going to do something to help. I specialize in specially developed "Alternative Methods" to apply online techniques that no one has touched base on to sky rocket my clients in the online world. I spend many hours per day teaching my website clients how they can implement these tools their self and get ahead of the big guys. I enjoy the challenge of competing against Corporate America to achieve results for small business owners and start-ups that they normally would not be able to achieve or afford. Many times I am able to expose the bad tactics of some marketing companies whom would rather suck their client dry of their funds and once they stop paying the results simple disappear. I contribute to the SBA website and am a member of the Oconto County Chamber of Commerce. I also provide a free "Tips and Tricks" blog on my website to educate even the people outside my client base on how to improve their online website status by implementing these tactics all on their own. You can visit GlobeTek Inc.'s Google+ Page, Facebook Page (There are 2) GlobeTek/JVLC and Srobenhorst Works where we also update useful information and promote the businesses we help. Small business is how America was started and how America will return with a complete recovery. I like to teach and promote things like referral programs, favor for a favor programs, and Pass it Forward. These are things that sometimes people might get to cough up in what they’re doing to think about but once you get yourself in the habit of using them they truly do come back to you. I have decided to dedicate much of my time to helping these people that struggle and the payoff is gold! When you receive an email or a phone call from that excited business owner who tells you their success story and thanks you for what you helped them do when they may have come into the program very skeptical do to being taken advantage of it's one of the best feelings in the world. If people learn to rid themselves of greed and being caught up in their own situations and help out others it really shows their they are the person that their client was looking for and down the line it will and does pay off. I have had this happen several times. I just had a client who kept my number in his wallet and called several times over a year ago. I gave this man a lot of time and advice for free without him being a client and did not hear from him for a whole year. Just the other day he called to tell me he implemented the strategies I gave him and his business is now doing very well (He was about to lose everything he had) and asked if we could now start to do a website design for him. I was glad to help. Now his website is booming and he had to hire 2 additional crews to handle the work. If we all help each other and give the time to just do something for someone else just because we can make things in our family's, businesses, and communities work so much smoother and it may take some time but the results will and do happen. I founded GlobeTek Inc. for this very reason. I want to show people that the "simple ways" of our Ancestors IS STILL HERE we just don't think like they did. It takes hard work and effort as well as helping people to make things work not greed. There has been many times I have done things for people that ended up costing me money and time above what they have invested and the payoff is I helped a family whom needed it maybe more than someone else. These are the people that will never forget you as well as refer everyone they know to you. So remember that. Maybe you won't make as much money helping someone for less but it will come back to you in the end (Even if it is a year from now). So I am asking you to help me Rebuild America one business at a time. Timothy R. Srobenhorst GlobeTek Inc. 920-819-7199

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